Official Holidays

 Official Holidays in the State of Eritrea

- January 1st              -  New Year     

- January 7th              - Coptic Christmas

- January 19th            - Coptic Epiphany

- March 8th                - International Women’s day

- April 22th                - Coptic Good Friday  

- April 24th                - Coptic Easter

- May 1st                   - International Workers Day

- May 2nd                  - Eid Al-Fitr 

- May 24th                 - Independence Day

- June 20th                 - Martyr's Day  - 

- July 9th                    - Eid Al-Adha

- September 1st             - Revolution Day (start of armed struggle)

- September 11th       - Saint John's Day (Geez’s new year)

- September 27th       -  Meskel (Finding of the true cross) 

- October 8th             -  Mawlid Al-Nebi

- December 25th          -  Christmas