H.E Mr. Abdullah Ali Al-Sari, Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to Eritrea met With H.E Mr. Khalifa bin Thani Al-Zaraa, Chargé d'Affairs a.i of the State of Qatar to the State to Eritrea. 14 July 2021H.E Mr. Abdullah Ali Al-Sari, Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to Eritrea meets With H.E Mr. Khalifa bin Thani Al-Zaraa, Chargé d'Affairs a.i of the State of Qatar to the State to Eritrea.
H.E Mr. Khalifa bin Thani Al-Zaraa, Chargé d'Affairs a.i for the State of Qatar to the State to Eritrea met With H.E Mr. Stephen Walker, Chargé d'Affairs of the Embassy of the United States of America to Eritrea.12 July 2021H.E Mr. Khalifa bin Thani Al-Zaraa, Chargé d'Affairs a.i for the State of Qatar to the State to Eritrea met With H.E Mr. Stephen Walker, Chargé d'Affairs of the Embassy of the United States of America to Eritrea.